Mystic Auction House (1)

"Master, master! Big news!" Inside a luxury palace, a young woman hurriedly ran over while shouting excitingly.

Sitting in a beautiful garden, Zhou Ling'er looked at the young woman and reprimanded her gently. "Tong'er, how many times have I told you to restrain your manner?"

The young woman, Chu Tong'er, arrived at the pavilion while panting heavily. She didn't seem to care about her master's reprimand, as she said. "Master, I just got the news that the Mystic Auction House will put the Soul Rejuvenating Pill on auction tomorrow."

"What!? Is it true?" Zhou Ling'er immediately lost her composure.

Chu Tong'er nodded firmly. "Yes. I have already checked it multiple times. It's absolutely true!"

Zhou Ling'er was elated but soon calmed down. She couldn't help thinking of Yun Lintian… Could it be him?