A Clue

Without waiting for Yun Lintian to reply, Shen Yan said further. "That's right. It should be normal for a young man like you to take a liking to her. After all, Qin Mei's appearance is top-notch. Who knows how many people drool after her all these years?"

Yun Lintian was silent. Shen Yan's words explained how powerful her status was. Even a genuine Divine King like Qin Mei could be given away like a commodity by a sentence from her. 

It seemed there was a complicated story behind the punishment Shen Yan got. Otherwise, a daughter of the Shen Clan's patriarch wouldn't have been sent to this remote place.

At the same time, Yun Lintian once again felt as if someone was pulling a string in the dark. He didn't think it would appear this peaceful if Shen Yan didn't come here but someone else. Perhaps he would have been surrounded and captured here instead.