Forbidden Lands

Yun Lintian frowned deeply. When he died back on Earth, it was only a brief moment that he found himself as an infant body inside the Misty Cloud Sect. He couldn't remember anything about his parents of this life or his origin.

He shook his head and said. "Before I could remember anything, I had already found myself under the care of the Misty Cloud Sect's people."

"Well, this is the dead end." Shen Yan shrugged. "I guess we have to find Fairy Yun herself if we want to know the whole story."

Yun Lintian put these thoughts aside and asked. "How many secret realms here in the Divine Realm?"

Having stayed here for a while, Yun Lintian still couldn't get a good grasp of the entire Divine Realm except for some general knowledge that Hongyue told him. Just the Heavenhold Realm alone made him realize how vast the Divine Realm was. If he hadn't met Shen Yan here, it would probably take him a few years to find some clues about the other Beyond Heaven Relics.