
After returning to the Ximen Clan, Yun Lintian stayed in his courtyard and practiced with Ning Yue while waiting for good news from Shen Yan.

At this moment, Qin Mei watched as Yun Lintian absorbed millions of the Divine Stones in astonishment. She swore that she had never seen anyone practice like this before.

What surprised her the most was the absorption speed. Millions of the Divine Stones could only last for an hour at most before turning into a bunch of wasted stones.

"Now I understand why you need so many Divine Stones. What a freak." Qin Mei said when she saw Yun Lintian open his eyes.

Yun Lintian waved his hand to store all the emptied Divine Stones away and said. "How are people usually practicing?"

Qin Mei pursed her lips. "We also use the Divine Stone, but it's impossible for us to absorb a large amount in one go like you. Usually, it took me around five minutes to absorb a single best-graded Divine Stone."