
Yun Lintian watched as Zhi Wei left and turned to Ximen Qing. Judging from her condition, she won't be able to pass the night for certain.

"Give her the pill." Yun Lintian said to Zhou Ling'er and squatted down beside Ximen Qing.

Zhou Ling'er hurriedly took the pill out and carefully fed her mother.

Yun Lintian immediately injected his wood energy into her body, helping her digest the pill. At the same time, he used the other hand to pin several silver needles around Ximen Qing's lower abdomen to regulate her pitiful remaining Yin energy.

Soon, the pill took effect, and Ximen Qing's complexion greatly improved. The poison in her soul was removed entirely.

Yun Lintian retracted his hand and said. "Give her some Yin energy nourishing supplements for a period of time, and she will be fine."

He then turned to look at Empress Shu Xi. "Her condition is much better. She needs to nourish her Yin energy, and she will return to normal in a month."