The Terror Of Rain Bringer

Lei Weimin and the others were shrouded by the intense rain, their legs, arms, and faces… All of the skin that could be seen turned blue with the terrifying cold energy. They desperately released their Divine Emperor power amidst their groans of pain and terror and tried to expel the invasive cold energy from their bodies.

No matter how they struggled, their bodies were still being devoured by the cold energy, layer by layer. In a few short breaths, nearly all of the skin and flesh of these Divine Emperors had been frozen.

"She… A half-step God Emperor!" Zi Yunlei uttered in terror. He always believed that Yu Zhilan's strength was slightly better than his, but the power she released now obviously belonged to someone half-step away from becoming a God Emperor.

"St..op! STOP! You're not afraid of our masters at all!?" Ling Weimin's eyes were so wide that his eye sockets looked like they were about to explode as he roared in a hoarse voice.