Gathering Of God Emperors (2)

Hai Bolin was as calm as ever. The words from Murong Mengyi and Hong Hualian didn't seem to affect him in the slightest. 

He revealed his signature smile as he spoke. "With the news spread out, the Dragon Princess should be anxiously coming here by now. But where is she?"

Qian Guimo and the others frowned slightly upon hearing this. Everyone knew how obsessive Long Qingxuan was for the Beyond Heaven King. It was unlikely she would stand by and watch his successor being surrounded like this.

Where did she go?

Hai Bolin chuckled and continued. "And even if she did come later, no one knows how much she has recovered. Don't forget that the Dragon Sealing Formation is a forbidden formation that requires a sacrifice. She spent most of her time in the lower realm. I don't think she can return to her peak state."