
Looking at a huge blue orb slowly rotating in front of him, Yun Lintian asked. "So, what's wrong with it?"

The blue orb was the core of the Heavenhold Secret Land. All the heaven and earth aura, including the time ability, originated from it. Yun Lintian didn't know why Tian Yuhan brought him here.

"The core is gradually weakening. It's started an hour ago." Tian Yuhan replied.

"Weakening?" Yun Lintian looked at the core again through the Eyes of Heaven and saw the energy flow inside decline bit by bit.

"The core of this place and the Heavenhold Pearl are connected. Clearly, something happened outside." Tian Yuhan said further.

"What could possibly cause this?" Yun Lintian asked. He didn't know much about the Heavenhold Pearl.

"The only possibility is the realm is being attacked. And the attacker's strength must be strong enough. A top-level Divine Emperor at the very least." Tian Yuhan explained.