News (2)

Yun Lintian slowly put the teacup down upon hearing Wu Qingcheng's name. His face became serious as he asked. "Tell me about it."

Qin Mei slowly said. "It seems this person has something to do with you."

During these three months, the hottest news was naturally about the Beyond Heaven King's successor, and Qin Mei could guess more or less about Yun Lintian's identity. It was no wonder her young miss attached so much importance to him.

Yun Lintian didn't hide anything. "She's my fourth sister."

Ning Yue was surprised to hear this but didn't ask anything.

Qin Mei nodded slowly. "No wonder. Looks like young miss has foreseen ahead of everyone."

She paused briefly and explained. "More than a year ago, Miss Wu had returned to the clan with her father. The news was extremely shocking at that time. Even I, a low-level member, could feel about it."