Departure (1)

Yun Lintian was unhurried to leave, as the Shen Clan gathering event would start in a month. He spent most of his time traveling around the Heavenhold Realm with Ning Yue and Yue Chuntao while practicing at night. 

Two weeks later, Yun Lintian's strength had finally touched the threshold. With another push, he could start a breakthrough right away. However, he stopped training and enjoyed precious time with the two girls.

"Miss, Priestess told us to leave as soon as possible." Inside a dining hall, Yue Qi walked over and said in a low voice.

Yue Chuntao didn't care about it. She gnawed on chicken drumsticks while giving him a side glance.

Yue Qi smiled helplessly and said further. "Miss, it will be a full moon soon."

Yue Chuntao put the drumsticks down and responded annoyingly. "Can't you see what I am doing?"

Yue Qi was about to say something but perceived a killing intent from her. He immediately shut up and retreated silently.