Escape (1)

"The Rising Sun Realm is ten minutes away from here. However, it will take a while to reach the capital city." Yue Chuntao explained while traveling through the starry sky. 

In order to show Yun Lintian's trace, they didn't use the Eclipse Ark and simply flew to the destination.

Yun Lintian looked at various stars nearby with great interest. He was attacked last time while heading to the Heavenhold Realm and had no time to take a look around properly.


All of a sudden, an explosive sound could be heard from a very far distance, causing everyone to look in that direction. 

Yun Lintian could see a burst of energy ripple vividly at the end of his sight. Clearly, there was a battle breaking out over there. At the same time, a terrifying shockwave blasted over, causing the surrounding stars to tremble. 

Yue Hua raised her hand gently, and a moonlight barrier immediately surrounded everyone, blocking the incoming shockwave.