Mystic God Realm (2)

Zi Fu suddenly said. "Master, we should wait and see this time."

Zi Wei glanced at him and seemed to understand the meaning behind Zi Fu's words.

"I'll leave this matter to you." He said.

"Understood." Zi Fu responded readily. 


A day later, after Yun Lintian left the Heavenhold Realm, the news about him went to the Mystic God Realm spread out to every corner of the Divine Realm. It was so fast that everyone knew someone was behind this. But even so, many people were willing to take a risk and rush to the Mystic God Realm.

Inside the Shen Clan manor, Shen Feng sat calmly in the main seat and listened to the discussion among the clan elders.

Today, numerous practitioners flocked into the Mystic God Realm like no tomorrow. Various major cities were crowded, and small towns were no exception. Because the Mystic God Realm took a neutral stance and had no rule of limiting people, these low-level practitioners weren't afraid of anything.