Ancient Battlefield (1)

Kong Xun quickly used his divine sense to check the pants that were no different from an old rag in someone's kitchen and discovered nothing. He checked it out repeatedly and confirmed that it was indeed a rag.

"Pfft!" Jiang Shuren covered her mouth and laughed.

Kong Xun's face twitched slightly as he reluctantly put the rag away. Although he wanted to throw it away immediately, he still hoped something was inside it.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." Jiang Shuren continued to laugh for a good while.

Yu Zhilan stepped forward and reached into the vortex, pulling out an exquisite long sword that appeared to be made of ice.


All of a sudden, the sword vibrated and transformed the entire space into an icy field.

The sudden outbreak caught everyone off guard. They stared in shock at the sword in Yu Zhilan's hand.