Overwhelming Power (1)

Countless divine lights burst out of the formation nodes around the hall, filling the entire space with a menacing aura. The divine lights quickly shot towards Yun Lintian, aiming to take his life.

Right at the moment before the divine lights could touch Yun Lintian, he suddenly opened his eyes. A divine energy that had just entered the Divine Transformation Realm abruptly burst out from within his body, forming a ring of light.


A deafening explosion occurred, causing all the divine lights to be blasted away, including Ling Zemin.

The massive ring of light spread out outside the tower with a loud bang. The once crumbling world gradually stabilized. All the debris was floating silently in the air, and everything seemed to return to its originally calm state.

Lou De and the others raised their heads to look at the scene in astonishment.

"What's going on?" Yang Zhen was stunned.