Wiped Out

The Vermilion Bird soared high, unleashing flames of crimson and green that engulfed the entire sky. At the same time, a blinding light was unleashed from the Heaven Piercing Sword, illuminating every corner of the Star Graveyard.

Chi Jixing, Xie Songshan, and the other devils, except for Yan Yin and Wan Mu, could feel a sensation deep within their bodies as the fiery and radiant aura engulfed them. Their strength rapidly left them as if they had reverted to their original state before coming here.

"You can remove the curse! You really did it!" Yan Yin was excited by the scene. He felt relieved that he had made the right choice back then. In the end, his bet paid off handsomely.


All of a sudden, Yu Zhilan and Wan Mu acted quickly. They launched their attacks on Chi Jixing and Xie Songshan.

Unable to muster their powers, Xie Songshan and Chi Jixing were severely injured in one fell swoop.