The Change In Environment

Madam Leisure appeared beside Hongyue and said. "There is one place where he can find it. The Sea of Stars."

Hongyue immediately remembered the existence of the three Forbidden Lands. She said in surprise. "So, the Light Pole is in that place?"

There were a few relics whose locations Hongyue didn't know, and the Light Pole was one of them. Without a doubt, it must be located within the Sea of Stars. Otherwise, Yun Lintian wouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place.

"Even so, it should be impossible for him to obtain the star energy source." Madam Leisure said in doubt. "The Star God Emperors from the past to the present have been attempting to extract the source from that place, but none have succeeded. Even though they sent many people into it, they still had no clue."