Golden Crow God's Legacy (2)

Yun Lintian's group swam through the molten lava for a few days and suddenly stumbled upon a pocket space. It was similar to a miniature world, complete with landscapes and mountains. Of course, they were engulfed in flames.

Yue Chuntao swept her spiritual sense through the entire place and discovered many people here. Most of them were at least at the first level of the Divine Emperor Realm.

"Be careful." Yue Chuntao spoke through a voice transmission.

Yun Lintian looked at the scenery and said. "This place is far superior to the surface world, and I don't think this is the only one. There must be a lot of similar places around here."

At this moment, a group of four people flew towards them. Two of them were women, and one seemed to be the group's leader.

The woman in front halted her steps and looked curiously at Yun Lintian's group before speaking. "My name is Qin Lu. All of you must be newcomers. You can stay here to practice."