Destined Enemy (1)

"Why don't you kill them?" Nantian Fengyu asked curiously.

Master Bai glanced at her and said arrogantly. "Do you spend your time killing ants?"

Nantian Fengyu didn't know how to respond.

Master Bai continued speaking. "Listen. Little Red Chicken Girl. When we consider ourselves superior, we don't care about insignificant people like them. You will understand what I said today when you become a bigger red chicken."

"Who is the Little Red Chicken Girl? Hmph!" Nantian Fengyu snorted in dissatisfaction.

Master Bai chuckled and turned to Yue Chuntao. "By the way. How is Senior Yue?"

"Grandma Hua is doing well." Yue Chuntao said with a hint of sorrow in her eyes.

Master Bai noticed the sadness in her eyes and chose not to say anything more. He made a rough calculation in his heart and realized that Yue Hua's days were numbered. Perhaps she would be gone within a few years.