Doubt (2)

Master Bai and Jin Huian glanced at each other in confusion. They couldn't deny Nantian Fengyu's words, as there was indeed a possibility that the Beyond Heaven King was still alive somewhere. After all, no one had ever seen his body with their own eyes.

"What made you think he is still alive?" Jin Huian asked.

Nantian Fengyu looked at Yun Lintian, who was enveloped in golden flames and said. "His entire existence is shrouded in mystery. Back then, Yun Tian told us that his successor would be born with a celestial physique capable of harmoniously containing everything in the world within his body. However, I always have this feeling that something is missing here."

She turned to Jin Huian and Master Bai. "I don't have anything to support my claim. It's just my feeling."

Jin Huian and Master Bai furrowed their brows tightly.