Sea of Death (3)

"Not only do I know about your condition, but I am also aware of your wife's situation. A few thousand years have passed. I guess your wife won't be able to last a few years." Master Bai said calmly.

Li Gen's mind spun rapidly as he tried to figure out Master Bai's identity.

"Don't waste time guessing my identity. Just tell me. Are you willing to go?" Master Bai asked plainly. "I came to you first because of your love for your wife. Otherwise, I would go to Hei Jin in the first place. He would never reject my offer."

Li Gen stopped thinking and asked with a solemn expression. "I can agree with your offer, but you have to treat my wife first. You should know that going to the Black Immortal Palace is extremely dangerous. All of you could die there."

"No problem." Master Bai responded readily. "This little boy here is a genius doctor. Treating your wife's disease is just a matter of flipping his hand."