Secret Land

The first thing Yun Lintian saw when he stepped into the palace was a vast hall that he couldn't see the end of on the other side. He turned around to look at the entrance and discovered that all the water had been magically blocked by an invisible barrier, which prevented it from entering the hall.

The atmosphere here was eerily solemn. Yun Lintian felt as though he had stepped into an abandoned temple of the gods.

"We have come here a few times in the past and couldn't find anything except for an abundant aura." Li Gen spoke.

"Then why is everyone afraid of this place?" Yun Lintian asked curiously.

"First of all, it's too risky to come to this place because the location is too deep and filled with dangers. Secondly, anyone who stays here for a long time will eventually experience a mental problem. We don't know what causes it, but there were many people who lost their sanity and committed suicide after returning to the shore." Li Gen answered.