Heavenhold (2)

Guan Wen's eyes narrowed slightly. She had encountered many formidable opponents, but the current Tian Yuhan was veiled in layers of mystery, rendering her unable to discern his true power.

In her opinion, the Heavenhold Orb in Tian Yuhan's hand was undoubtedly the Heaven Sealing Pearl, and Tian Yuhan had somehow inherited the power of the pearl. It was the reason she was able to become a god emperor in a short amount of time.

However, the appearance of Tian Yuhan made Guan Wen realize something. Originally, it would have been extremely difficult to give birth to a new god emperor due to the laws of the Divine Realm. It was obvious that the laws had changed.

A strange light glittered in her eyes as Guan Wen spoke. "Let me see how powerful the ancient inheritance is."