The Clues (3)

Hongyue carefully observed Qian Guimo's microexpressions and didn't notice anything suspicious. He appeared to be telling the truth.

"What do you mean by disappearing?" She asked coldly.

"Do you remember that when the four of you escaped to the Primordial God Forsaken Land, Cai Xieren was the first to stay behind and buy you time?" Qian Guimo asked and took out a profound imaginary stone.


A light projection appeared in the air, displaying a scene where a beautiful woman with a skirt in rainbow colors was surrounded by several god emperors.

Hongyue immediately recognized the woman. She was none other than Cai Xieren, the Rainbow God Emperor.

"All of you deserve to die." Cai Xieren looked at everyone and spoke coldly.

"We have no choice. It's either joining them or getting killed." One of the god emperors spoke. "Why don't you give up and join us? You should think about the people behind you."