Urgent Situation (3)

The clan elders glanced at each other but said nothing. They were aware that they had greatly offended Yun Lintian by doing this. Counting how much he cared for Wu Qingcheng, he would definitely seek revenge on them.

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yin said. "He was able to overpower us last time due to the Heavenly Tribulation. I don't believe he can do it again."

"Idiot!" Shen Feng scolded. "I can tell you that he can now kill everyone here. Even if he doesn't come forward himself, there are many god emperors on his side. Do you really think that he won't ask them to take action? How ridiculous!"

Shen Feng was furious. The Shen Clan was widely regarded as the top expert in information gathering. However, they were actually clueless about Yun Lintian's current situation… It seemed the clan was fated to become extinct.

Shen Yin's expression froze, as did the clan elders. They glanced at each other in disbelief.