The Crown (5)

"Hang on." Yun Lintian regained his senses and attempted to utilize his power, but it was in vain.

Yun Yi took a deep look at Yun Lintian and said. "I don't know why... you look familiar to me... Please tell His Highness... Cough!"

As he spoke halfway through, Yun Yi coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his breath visibly weakened.

Yun Lintian anxiously tried to grab Yun Yi. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything here, no matter how hard he tried.

Yun Yi smiled and slowly closed his eyes. His entire body stopped moving, announcing his departure.

"Damn it!" Yun Lintian cursed himself for being useless.

He didn't understand why he had appeared in this place and why he had to watch all of this.

Yun Lintian knelt beside Yun Yi's lifeless body for an unknown period. At that moment, a group of people arrived at the scene, jolting him out of his trance.