The Crown (8)

In fact, Yun Lintian had long guessed the second prince's real name after seeing Yun Yi, Qing Xuan, and Yao Xi. These people obviously had a relationship with the Beyond Heaven King.

However, the revelation could still shock him. It made Yun Lintian realize that he was currently looking at the Beyond Heaven King's "past life."

Yun Lintian had a similar "dream" before. The first time was when he acquired the Moon. At that moment, he dreamed back to when he was on Earth and reliving the tragedy again.

The second time was when he obtained the Tree of Life. At that time, he had become an evil sovereign who bathed the world in blood in order to seek vengeance for his mother.

Despite Hongyue telling him that it wasn't a coincidence that everyone around him appeared in front of him again, Yun Lintian didn't honestly believe it. It was mainly because he felt that his "past lives" were too unbelievable and had nothing aligned with his present self.