Eternal Calamity (1)

The terrifying power emanating from the crown immediately subdued everyone facing Yun Tian.

Everyone at the scene wore a bewildered expression. They couldn't comprehend the current situation.

"What…" Yun Tian returned to his senses and looked at the crown covered in dirt. For some reason, he felt a strong connection to it. It was as if he had met a long-lost friend again.

Yun Lintian observed the scene thoughtfully. After witnessing two lifetimes of Yun Tian, he discovered that the crown would react whenever he wanted it to do so.

During Prince Yun Tian's time, Yun Lintian was unaware of the existence of the crown until Yun Tian revealed it at the end. At that moment, Yun Lintian was stunned by the sight of the crown and didn't react.

In Yun Tian's second life, Yun Lintian attempted to touch the crown out of curiosity, and it unexpectedly reacted. And now, as he thought about the crown, it quickly emitted a surge of power.