Eternal Calamity (10)

After reading everything, Yun Tian closed his eyes and fell silent for a long while before opening them again. At this moment, his demeanor changed drastically. It was as if he had transformed into a new person.

Yun Lintian raised his eyebrow when he saw this. Did Yun Tian regain his memories from his past lives?

Yun Tian glanced at Xia Nongyue and the others. "We will stay here for a long time. There are many rooms here. You can choose it yourself."

"Understood." Xia Nongyue and the others responded.

"What happened, Master?" Yun Xia couldn't resist her curiosity and finally asked.

"It's a long story. In short, there is nothing wrong with this place." Yun Tian replied calmly.

"Oh." Yun Xia nodded slightly and went to find her room with the others.

Yun Tian sat down in the chair and turned to Yun Lintian. "Who are you?"

Yun Lintian was stunned. "You can see me?"