Another Unknown Entity

"What do you mean, senior?" Wan Mu was puzzled.

"He managed to deceive everyone, including me." Yue Hua explained.

"The first Everlasting God Emperor emerged approximately three hundred thousand years ago and passed down his legacy to his descendants. Ling Yongheng is considered the third generation."

"As we know, the unique characteristic of the Everlasting Soul is its ability to last for a long time, but it is not indestructible. The deaths of the first two generations have proven this point."

"However, this is what we have been misled about. Their deaths are meant to deceive everyone in the world."

"Are you trying to say that whether it's the first, second, or Ling Yongheng, they are all the same person all along?" Yan Yin asked.

"Very likely." Yue Hua responded calmly.

Yan Yin and the others were shocked.