True Wood Spirit Clan

The Land of Beyond Heaven had expanded several times after Yun Lintian obtained the Dark Pearl. Unknowingly, its size had already surpassed that of all five continents of the Azure World combined.

There were many unused lands around the area. With the current manpower, Yun Lintian couldn't develop them at the moment. He simply let the Dragon Clan's people take care of it.

The forest territory expanded significantly as the Tree of Life grew larger. At this moment, the Tree of Life stood taller than the tallest mountain in this place.

The vitality circulated within the Land of Beyond Heaven mainly originated from the Tree of Life. All the plants and living beings here were nourished by the aura, significantly improving their quality.

"Headmaster." Iryena quickly approached and greeted Yun Lintian. Then she noticed Lin Yitong and suddenly felt an inexplicable connection between herself and Lin Yitong.