Gateway To The Netherworld (2)

Yun Lintian listened to Song Kang and felt that the situation was similar to the legends on Earth. There were numerous beliefs about heaven and hell. He didn't expect it to be true.

"When the primordial gods fought among themselves, the damage inflicted upon the three realms was immeasurable. It caused the connections between the three realms to collapse." Song Kang provided further explanation.

"Moreover, the demise of the God of Heaven, the God of Mortal, and the God of Death left a huge void in the three realms. Without leaders, people began to fight for hegemony. War could be seen everywhere at that time. It was truly tragic."

He paused for a moment to look at Feng Miao, Chen Ze, and Hong Rou before continuing. "Our ancestors were fortunate enough. They escaped the flames of war and sought refuge in the depths of the Primal Chaos. Even so, they lost many clan members in the war."