Cruelty (2)

Yun Lintian halted and peered into a nearby tent. His expression immediately darkened at the sight.

Inside the tent, a group of soldiers were assaulting women and laughing with pleasure. What was worse was that they didn't simply do it, but they tortured them in inhumane ways.

Yun Lintian's anger surged through the roof. Even though he had witnessed numerous tragic and miserable scenes, he could never become accustomed to them.

Just as Yun Lintian was about to let his emotions get the best of him, Gui Xuan seemed to sense his mood and raised his little hand to gently touch Yun Lintian's chest.

A warm sensation on his chest immediately pulled him out of the flames of fury. It wasn't the right moment to intervene.

Yun Lintian suppressed his anger and resolutely walked away.

"Thank you." He whispered as he glanced at Gui Xuan.

Gui Xuan tilted his head and nonchalantly stuffed the jerky into his mouth.