Quota (1)

Several hundred kilometers away from the bridge, Yun Lintian stopped moving forward when he sensed powerful auras gathering ahead. Without a doubt, the ghost kings had already arrived.

"It seems I can only wait for them to enter first." Yun Lintian muttered to himself. It would be unwise to show up at this moment.

Suddenly, he sensed another aura coming from behind. When he turned around, he saw an old man approaching him.

The old man was naturally the first elder of the Qing Clan.

The first elder descended to the ground and carefully observed Yun Lintian. Through his perception, the aura Yun Lintian displayed was only at the Heaven Profound Realm, which was obviously fake.

"I am the elder of the Qing Clan, Qing Tie. Please forgive me for following you here." The first elder, Qing Tie, said politely.

Yun Lintian discovered that Qing Tie was in the Lesser God Realm, just like him. He asked. "What do you want?"