The Path of Hell (2)

Yun Lintian stared at Xiao Shou, attempting to discern something from his expression. However, Xiao Shou was, after all, a ghost king. He didn't show anything except a friendly smile.

"My name is Xiao Shou. People called me the Ashe Ghost King. I'm serving the Southern Emperor." Xiao Shou introduced himself. "Are you a disciple of the Qing Clan?"

He had seen everyone except the Qing Clan before entering this place. It was normal for him to make a guess.

"Lin Yun." Yun Lintian responded after a brief moment of contemplation. "We can go with you, but how much do you know about this place?"

"Except for the end of the bridge, I know everything." Xiao Shou replied calmly. "Let's walk and talk."

As he finished his sentence, he turned around and walked away.

Yun Lintian briefly glanced at Gui Xuan and noticed that he was calm. Perhaps Xiao Shou was indeed a friend, as he said.

He didn't think about it any further and quickly followed Xiao Shou.