
"The appearance of Project Eve caused a huge stir in the country. The information suggests it could be used to create super soldiers. As a former mercenary, you understand the implications of super soldiers," Xu Longfeng explained.

"Initially, Project Eve was to be overseen by the Phoenix Protocol. They're a secret unit that handles medical projects. However, the military deemed Project Eve too crucial and, as head of the National Security Council, Zhu Tianlong used his authority to wrest control of it."

"Wait. When did Zhu Tianlong become head of the NSC?" Lei Hao interjected, confused.

Xu Longfeng glanced at Yun Lintian. "After you disappeared. He claimed all the achievements your group accomplished over the years."

"The Hell Church," Yun Lintian uttered calmly.

"Yes," Xu Longfeng confirmed with a nod. "The fact that you dealt a crippling blow to the Hell Church was kept secret."