Digging Grave

The temperature plummeted as Xu Longfeng and Tang Lu locked eyes.

A sardonic smile played on Xu Longfeng's lips. "Explanations are pointless. Go ahead, try to touch my family. You'll see the consequences with your own eyes."

Tang Lu held Xu Longfeng's gaze for a moment before speaking. "There will be another opportunity. For now, let's discuss the situation here. I have ways to extract information, like through Cong Ze and his disciple."

Cong Ze was the middle-aged man who stationed at Lei Hao's residence. Tang Lu didn't mind to capture him.

"However, I chose to approach you first out of respect for your seniority and service to the country," Tang Lu continued.

Facing another veiled threat, Xu Longfeng remained impassive. "Indeed, I am old. If your men couldn't recall the events, how could I possibly remember?"