Under the Same Sky Once More (2)

Yun Lintian and Yang Ningchang stood facing each other. She had thought she would never see him again, only to be left with a lifetime of pain every time he crossed her mind.

He, too, had thought he would never see her again, only to be left with a lifetime of regret every time he thought of her… Destiny, which often played cruel jokes on people, could also be compassionate on rare occasions.

"I'm still alive." Yun Lintian gently grasped her thin hand, quietly infusing wood energy into her body.

Yang Ningchang remained oblivious to the warm current flowing through her. All her focus was on the man she yearned for.

"I'm sorry," Yun Lintian spoke with a heavy heart. "You've become like this because of me."

Yang Ningchang raised a finger to his lips. "Don't apologize again. It's not your fault. I can't compete with Sister Yao in your heart, and I understand that completely."