
Atop Rain Mountain, Yang Ningchang, Lynn, and Long Qingxuan watched silently as police vehicles escorted Zhu Ding and his men away. The silence finally broke.

"They've made a statement," Lynn announced, raising her phone. The screen displayed a formal government announcement detailing Zhu Tianlong's corruption with brutal honesty.

"No holding back, huh?" Lynn remarked. 

Exposing the extent of Zhu Tianlong's crimes would undoubtedly spark public outrage and damage the government's credibility. But the old man, in an apparent display of sincerity towards Yun Lintian, had pulled no punches.

This marked the official resolution of the Yun Lintian-Zhu family conflict.

"They had no choice," Long Qingxuan said softly. In her eyes, the old man's supposed sincerity masked a deeper fear of Yun Lintian's power.