Beheading Operation (1)

"Leaving?" A pang of disappointment struck Yang Wu's heart, but he understood. After witnessing Yun Lintian's "magical power," he knew they were no longer on the same plane.

"Don't be sad, Uncle Wu. It's not a permanent goodbye," Yang Ningchang said softly.

"Of course," Yang Wu nodded with a forced smile. He glanced at the facilities and asked, "When do I start?"

Yun Lintian spoke. "I will take everyone to a location first." 

With a wave of his hand, the Gate of Beyond Heaven materialized before them.

"Boss, what is that?" Lei Hao exclaimed, startled by the majestic gate's sudden appearance.

"Follow me," Yun Lintian said, pushing open the gate and stepping through.

Yang Ningchang, Lynn, Lei Hao, and Yang Wu exchanged a brief glance before following Yun Lintian into the unknown.

A moment later, they found themselves in a world unlike any they had ever known.