The Heavenly Church (2)

The temperature in the room plummeted. A wave of bone-chilling cold washed over Wei Jianhong and the others, dispelling any lingering doubts about Yun Lintian's seriousness.

Bartholomew's face grew solemn. "We can gather a hundred trillion, Mr. Yun," he admitted, "but such a sum would wreak havoc on the global economy. Are you certain this is the path you wish to take?"

"I'm very touched by your concern for the world, Mr. Bartholomew," Yun Lintian replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He swept a cold gaze over the room. "Every single one of you has built your wealth on the backs of others' suffering. Don't you find the irony in your words... amusing?"

Without waiting for a response, Yun Lintian reached out and gripped Wei Jianhong's shoulder. "Since Mr. Barty asks if I'm sure," he said, "allow me to demonstrate."