A New Dawn

Yun Lintian returned to the orphanage with Linlin.

"Welcome back, Boss," Lei Hao greeted him immediately, handing a grilled fish to Qingqing. "Anna and her people have already arrived. They're currently in the reception hall."

"Right," Yun Lintian acknowledged with a slight nod and walked towards the reception hall.

Inside, Anna and over a hundred women were looking around curiously. They'd seen plenty of high-end communities, but this place was on another level entirely.

"Are we going to live here, Sister Anna?" a young blonde woman named Sherley inquired.

"Yes, we'll be taking care of children here," Anna explained. "Of course, if you ever wish to leave, no one will force you to stay."

"Leave? Never!" Sherley shook her head firmly. "Master saved our lives. How could we leave her?"