Open Heart (1)

At that moment, a golden figure appeared in Ren Yuan's sea of consciousness. It resembled the statue, a man cast in gold.

"You've done well to arrive here at the opportune moment. Don't worry, I'll handle things from here on out," the man spoke directly to Ren Yuan's soul.

He then waved his hand, and a sea of golden brilliance surged forward immediately, rapidly engulfing Ren Yuan's sea of consciousness.

"You…" Ren Yuan glared at the golden man with hatred. "You're not the God of Heaven."

"Indeed," the golden man smiled. "Like you, I was once an inheritor of the God of Heaven's power. Unfortunately, I met a rather unfortunate demise at the hands of a certain... woman. If not for my foresight, I wouldn't be here today."

Looking at Ren Yuan, he continued, "I used the last of my strength to send the Heavenly Desolate Orb to the Divine Realm, a place that woman couldn't access. Thankfully, it found you, the next generation inheritor."