The Kunlun God Tomb (1)

After walking for a few minutes, the dense foliage thinned, revealing a clearing bathed in an ethereal glow. Tendrils of mist swirled around a jagged, volcanic rockface, its surface shimmering faintly.

Yun Lintian looked ahead, spotting several spatial vortexes hanging in the air, each representing a distinct secret realm.

"These are the entrances to all the secret realms within the Kunlun Mountains," Lin Feng began his explanation. "We can only open three of them at present. We haven't found a way to access the others yet."

Yun Lintian recalled the information from the map he'd seen and soon noticed a solitary boulder a hundred meters away to his right. At first glance, it appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary stone.

Lin Yitong walked towards the boulder and reached out to touch it. However, nothing happened. It was as if the boulder refused to acknowledge her power.

"May I try, Senior?" Lin Feng asked cautiously.