Deterrence (1)

The Tower of Fate loomed, a solitary monolith piercing the heavens. Its obsidian surface, usually smooth and reflective, pulsed with an otherworldly luminescence tonight.

Jagged mountains, their peaks clawing at the twilight sky, encircled the tower like a ring of slumbering giants. Strange flora, unseen in any mortal realm, clung impossibly to the sheer cliffs.

Here, the laws of nature seemed to bend. Luminous flowers, alien in their beauty, bloomed in impossible shades of violet and indigo. Their petals shimmered with an inner light, like captured starlight scattered across the dark landscape.

Gnarled trees, twisted into unnatural contortions, reached their skeletal branches towards the heavens. Their bark, usually rough and ancient, glowed faintly with an ethereal light, casting an eerie luminescence on the ground below.