Dancing Dragons (1)

======== This chapter contains 18+ contents. ==========


The air within the octagonal chamber hung heavy with the scent of aged incense and divine stones. Yun Lintian sat perfectly still, his back ramrod straight and his palms resting on his knees. Despite his outward serenity, a tempest raged within him. Wisps of raw, untamed energy crackled around his form like miniature lightning bolts.

With each deep, measured breath, Yun Lintian drew in the surrounding spiritual energy. It swirled around him, a luminous current feeding into the insatiable vortex of his Divine Core.

The chamber pulsed with a soft luminescence as the spiritual energy condensed and solidified within him. Sweat beaded on Yun Lintian's forehead, trickling down his face as he pushed himself further, the very air vibrating with the strain of his exertion.