The Chasm of Uncreation

Standing in the starry expanse of the Nine Heavens Realm, Yun Lintian cast a brief survey around him before asking, "Senior, what has transpired here?"

Lin Yitong offered him an ancient scroll. "Take a look at this."

Yun Lintian grasped the scroll, his brow furrowing at the surprisingly warm touch of the aged paper. The inscription predated even celestial script, a language woven from the very fabric of existence. 

As Yun Lintian unfurled it, the air crackled with primordial energy. Images danced before his eyes – not landscapes or figures, but swirling chaos, a maelstrom of raw potential that defied understanding.

"The birth of reality," Lin Yitong said, her voice filled with awe. "This scroll, passed down through generations of Heavenly Palace Guardians, whispers of a time before time – the era of the Primal Chaos."

Confusion etched itself onto Yun Lintian's face. "Before the Primordial Gods?"