Heir to the Heavenly Throne (3)

Ren Yuan stared down at his hand, the Heavenly Desolate Orb nestled comfortably within his palm. Its warmth offered a fleeting solace, a constant echo of the path he'd forged.

Memories flickered across his mind, transporting him back to a time when he was a frail youth, his talent hovering at best in the realm of mediocrity. To survive that harsh reality, he adopted a ruthless pragmatism, deploying any means necessary without a flicker of moral hesitation.

One fateful day, while traversing the depths of the Heavenly Desolate Realm, Ren Yuan stumbled upon an ancient secret long buried. This revelation, the very legacy of the God of Heaven itself, bestowed upon him the unprecedented power to manipulate the fates of others.

From that transformative moment, a singular ambition took root within him: to ascend to the absolute zenith of the Primal Chaos.