

A tremor, sharp and sudden, ripped through the fabric of reality at the tomb's entrance. The air above the desolate plains surrounding the God Tomb shimmered, warping and distorting like a desert mirage caught in a swirling wind. Then, with a deafening crack that echoed across the wasteland, the shimmering distortion tore open, revealing a scene of celestial grandeur.

Floating amidst a swirling vortex of nebulae and stardust were figures that defied mortal comprehension. Clad in shimmering robes woven from the very fabric of the cosmos, these were the True Gods of the Primordial God Tribe, their presence warping reality itself.

A crown of swirling galaxies adorned the head of the lead deity. His beard cascaded down like shimmering constellations. His eyes, burning with the fires of a thousand supernovae, swept across the desolate landscape, taking in the crumbling remnants of the once-mighty God Tomb.