Step Down

Yun Lintian's heart swelled with pride as he surveyed the gathered disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect. Their progress in his absence had been nothing short of phenomenal. A thousand years was a long time, even for practitioners, and their ability to utilize that time so effectively spoke volumes about their dedication and talent.

"It appears I was the laziest one here," he boomed with a hearty laugh, his voice echoing through the vast hall.

A wave of amusement rippled through the crowd. They all knew of the trials Yun Lintian had faced; he hadn't even had a proper chance to train in seclusion for a long period. Yet, here he stood, stronger than ever before.

Yun Lintian's expression turned serious as he spoke. "Congratulations, everyone. I've always dreamed of this moment, where our Misty Cloud Sect stands atop the world. And it's happening now... It's happening not because of me but you."