Entrance To The God Tomb

"Perhaps she's testing us," Lin Xinyao offered, her brow furrowed in thought. "If she truly believes you're the key to combating this threat, she might be gauging your strength and resolve before offering more substantial aid."

Yun Lintian looked at her and asked, "Do you even believe that?"

Lin Xinyao responded calmly, "Of course not. I'm merely trying to be positive. After all, she is vouched for by Senior Lan."

"Then there's the so-called Tome of Chaos," Yun Lintian furrowed his brow. "From her words, it doesn't seem to be a mere ancient record. If it is truly related to the Chasm of Uncreation, it means the record Senior Lin found in Senior Huang's treasury must have been intentionally placed there by someone else. Possibly the inheritor of the God of Life and that mysterious man."